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Popular albums by Twelve'len

Most popular songs for Twelve'len. Find similar artists like Twelve'len



Genres associated with Twelve'len:

indie hip hop (Indie hip hop blends the underground ethos of indie music with the raw energy of hip hop, with its eclectic beats, introspective lyrics, and DIY attitude creating a genre that's both innovative and authentic.) , miami hip hop (Miami Hip Hop channels the energy and excitement of Miami with its high-energy beats, infectious hooks, and Latin influences, reflecting the city's diverse cultural landscape and vibrant nightlife.)
Artist popularity

Most popular songs by Twelve'len in our database

Popular albums by Twelve'len

Album Cover

Popular Songs with audio analyses, key, bpm and mood from the album Dade County Flood by Pouya Twelve'len

  • The album Dade County Flood has 1 tracks
  • It was released on the label: ALL BUT 6
  • The popularity on Spotify is: 9
  • Listen on Spotify
  • It was released 1 year ago on Mar 10, 2023
Album Cover

Popular Songs with audio analyses, key, bpm and mood from the album Alone by Pouya Twelve'len

  • The album Alone has 1 tracks
  • It was released on the label: ALL BUT 6
  • The popularity on Spotify is: 7
  • Listen on Spotify
  • It was released 1 year ago on Mar 10, 2023
Album Cover

Popular Songs with audio analyses, key, bpm and mood from the album Lady Draco by Twelve'len Denzel Curry

  • The album Lady Draco has 1 tracks
  • It was released on the label: Twelve’Len
  • The popularity on Spotify is: 37
  • Listen on Spotify
  • The type of album is single
  • It was released 1 year ago on Mar 22, 2023
Album Cover

Popular Songs with audio analyses, key, bpm and mood from the album Friends by Twelve'len

  • The album Friends has 12 tracks
  • It was released on the label: Twelve'len
  • The popularity on Spotify is: 23
  • Listen on Spotify
  • The type of album is
  • It was released 7 years ago on Oct 11, 2016
Album Cover

Popular Songs with audio analyses, key, bpm and mood from the album Swim by Twelve'len

  • The album Swim has 4 tracks
  • It was released on the label: Twelve'len
  • The popularity on Spotify is: 6
  • Listen on Spotify
  • It was released 6 years ago on Dec 22, 2017
Album Cover

Popular Songs with audio analyses, key, bpm and mood from the album Tommorrow After One by Twelve'len

  • The album Tommorrow After One has 6 tracks
  • It was released on the label: VEROM WORLD WIDE
  • The popularity on Spotify is: 2
  • Listen on Spotify
  • It was released 3 years ago on Aug 14, 2020
Album Cover

Popular Songs with audio analyses, key, bpm and mood from the album by Twelve'len

  • The album Let's Stay has 1 tracks
  • It was released on the label: Twelve'len
  • The popularity on Spotify is: 7
  • Listen on Spotify
  • It was released 5 years ago on Aug 7, 2018
Album Cover

Popular Songs with audio analyses, key, bpm and mood from the album Sugar Hill Express by Twelve'len

  • The album Sugar Hill Express has 12 tracks
  • It was released on the label: Verom Worldwide
  • The popularity on Spotify is: 34
  • Listen on Spotify
  • It was released 2 years ago on Jul 9, 2021