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Popular albums by Käptn Peng

Most popular songs for Käptn Peng. Find similar artists like Käptn Peng

Käptn Peng

Käptn Peng

Genres associated with Käptn Peng:

antideutsche (Music with lyrics and themes that challenge or oppose mainstream German culture and politics.) , german alternative rap (Alternative rap music that explores unconventional topics and experimental sounds.) , german indie (Discover the innovative sounds of German indie music, blending electronic and acoustic elements.)
Artist popularity

Most popular songs by Käptn Peng in our database

Tango im Treibsand by Käptn Peng , Die Tentakel von Delphi

Sockosophie by Käptn Peng , Die Tentakel von Delphi

Sie mögen sich by Shaban , Käptn Peng

Meister und Idiot by Käptn Peng , Die Tentakel von Delphi

Der Anfang ist nah by Käptn Peng , Die Tentakel von Delphi

Neue Freunde by Käptn Peng , Die Tentakel von Delphi

Im Labyrinth by Käptn Peng , Die Tentakel von Delphi

Parantatatam by Shaban , Käptn Peng

Der Habicht und der Hahn by Käptn Peng

Popular albums by Käptn Peng

Album Cover

Popular Songs with audio analyses, key, bpm and mood from the album Das nullte Kapitel by Käptn Peng Die Tentakel von Delphi

  • The album Das nullte Kapitel has 15 tracks
  • It was released on the label: Kreismusik
  • The popularity on Spotify is: 50
  • Listen on Spotify
  • The type of album is ALBUM
  • It was released 7 years ago on May 19, 2017
Album Cover

Popular Songs with audio analyses, key, bpm and mood from the album Die Zähmung der Hydra by Shaban Käptn Peng

  • The album Die Zähmung der Hydra has 15 tracks
  • It was released on the label: Kreismusik
  • The popularity on Spotify is: 43
  • Listen on Spotify
  • The type of album is
  • It was released 12 years ago on Mar 30, 2012
Album Cover

Popular Songs with audio analyses, key, bpm and mood from the album Expedition ins O by Käptn Peng Die Tentakel von Delphi

  • The album Expedition ins O has 15 tracks
  • It was released on the label: Kreismusik
  • The popularity on Spotify is: 43
  • Listen on Spotify
  • The type of album is
  • It was released 11 years ago on Apr 12, 2013
Album Cover

Popular Songs with audio analyses, key, bpm and mood from the album Live in Berlin by Käptn Peng Die Tentakel von Delphi

  • The album Live in Berlin has 26 tracks
  • It was released on the label: Kreismusik
  • The popularity on Spotify is: 22
  • Listen on Spotify
  • It was released 7 years ago on Dec 9, 2016